Be sure to stop by the high school cafeteria tomorrow night (4/12) during the science fair, to check out some of RC student’s art work that will be competing this Saturday! You won’t be disappointed!

This is a great chart that shows social skills that children should be learning through interactions at school and at home. (Credit to Integrated Learning Strategies)

✨Prom is in the air.... ✨
Decorations are underway!

Mixed Media by: Ye Gang Lee

It was great to welcome kiddos and parents to kindergarten visitation today. We can’t wait to have you in our building all day next year.

Mrs. Parry’s 2nd graders learned in Art that they can tint & color mix white model magic clay with magic markers (sorry parents 🤷🏻♀️ lol). Their minds were blown!! 🤯 but they created some really cool & colorful figurines!!

Looking towards the last six and half weeks of the school year and our COVID protocols, we are seeking input from patrons as we move forward in our continued efforts to keep in-person school and activities taking place to wrap up the school year. Keeping in mind that if things take turn in a different direction in regards current case trends, prom, graduation and the length of the school year could be affected negatively. Please complete the survey at this link regarding COVID protocols.
If you have questions, please feel free to reach out to Mr. Lyder at anytime: llyder@usd109.org or 785-527-5621.

WEEKLY NEWSLETTER -- April 12 - April 19
Please click on link to access

Juniors! Please do not forget that tomorrow, April 9, is the deadline for the Belleville Chamber and Main Street Scholarship application. Please see Mrs. Hubert or Mrs. Aurand if you have any questions or need some assistance!

Mrs. Pierson’s 6th grade class worked on their team building skills during their counseling lesson today.

Wear Blue Day - Students, teachers and adults at East Elementary, RCJSHS and around our community are invited to wear blue to show your support for all children to have a happy childhood on Friday, April 9!

Please come support the Post-Prom committee as they raise funds for this year's event. We will be hosting a drive-thru burger meal at the outside concession stand on the east side of the high school on Monday, April 12 from 5:00-7:00. Free will offering for a burger, chips, cookie and bottle of water. Drive thru and we will be happy to serve you! Thank you!

Seniors! This is your one week reminder that BHS/RCHS Alumni scholarship applications are due on April 15. Please see Mrs. Hubert or Mrs. Aurand with questions!

4th graders are building and coding Lego robots in STEM!

Baseball tonight at Clay Center has been postponed until tomorrow due to rain. Start time for the games tomorrow will stay the same.

Reminder: No School for current Kindergarten students on Friday, April 9th.

East Elementary Kindergarten Visitation is this Friday, April 9th. If you have a child who will be 5 by August 31, 2021, they are eligible for kindergarten for the 2021-2022 school year. If your child is not scheduled for their Kindergarten Visitation yet, please call the East Elementary office, 785-527-2330.

Today was our second annual Art at the Farm! We built our own pit fire for our pottery projects, made batiks, drawings, pour paintings, s’mores, and even went on a photo scavenger hunt. Who says you can’t have fun when it’s raining! Thanks to all our parents who helped out with lunch and to Ami Price for teaching us some new techniques. It was a day well spent!

Broken pottery? No, problem! A great opportunity for an Art History lesson!!!

RCHS Softball loses 2nd game to SES 0-10 in 5 innings and Baseball loses 3-13 in 5 innings.