Broken pottery? No, problem! A great opportunity for an Art History lesson!!!

RCHS Softball loses 2nd game to SES 0-10 in 5 innings and Baseball loses 3-13 in 5 innings.

RCHS Baseball loses first game 3-18 in 4 innings and the Softball team loses 0-7 at SE of Saline today.

Mrs Kasl’s 6th grade worked on more team building skills today!

Today in art, we learned the “art” of taking the perfect portfolio picture!

We’re putting those plastic Easter eggs to good use in the STEM lab! 🥚 Kindergarten built all sorts of towers out of eggs today!

Thank you to Apple One for the great addition to East Elementary to hide the electrical box to provide a more student friendly atmosphere in the front of the building.

Today the art room received some GREAT NEWS!!! Both of our classroom projects were FULLY funded!!! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 So excited to receive our new supplies in the next week.

This girl is mixing up some serious spring vibes! ❤️ this BIG painting!!

Pencil drawing by Konner Renyolds

Watercolors by Jayden Brunner

Watercolors by Gracie Rhine

Today high school art classes and 6th grade art blew eggs then decorated them! It was an
Egg-cellent time!

Baseball loses second game to Bennington 5-9

Softball loses 2nd game 8-9 to Minneapolis

Softball loses their first game of their doubleheader to Minneapolis 5-8

Baseball drops first game in extra innings to Bennington 2-8

2nd graders made towers out of plastic eggs in STEM the past two days! The tallest free standing towers were 14.5 inches! 🥚

Please click on link for WEEKLY NEWSLETTER -- April 5 -
April 12

The first hour Fiber Arts class took an early morning field trip to the Anvil Alpaca Farm. Ray and Brenda Danielson showed the process of raising and sheering their alpacas. The fleece is then sent to be woven into yarn. Alpaca yarn is sold in their farm store. Mrs. Chase showed her knitting using alpaca yarn. It’s so soft!