Cloud County Community College is offering a college fair on Monday, October 25th from 9:00am-10:30a.m. There will be 42 post-secondary institutions there from Kansas, Nebraska, and Missouri. These are not just 4 year colleges. They are also trade and technical schools as well as smaller private colleges and Board of Regents schools. This is a great way for students to use one of their college visit days. All high school students received an email with more information today.
over 3 years ago, Gina Aurand
College Fair Poster
Republic County School Spelling Bee was held on Wednesday, September 22nd. Congratulations to Tallyn Melton, champion, Faith Dyke, 2nd place, and Sam Anderson 3rd place. Along with these students, Aden Morris, Gage Lockhart, and Breckyln Yarrow will be participating in the County Spelling Bee in October. Congratulations to all the students who participated today.
over 3 years ago, Rachelle Scott
18 Republic County Student Participants
Top 6
Top 3
Unfortunately, the speaker that was to give the talk on cell phone apps to parents will be unable to come on Tuesday, Sept 28th. We are working on rescheduling him for another time this fall. Watch for a post with the new date. Sorry for any inconvenience.
over 3 years ago, Gina Aurand
Please refer to the diagram for a shared message from our organizations.
over 3 years ago, Larry Lyder
Unified Community Message
2nd graders are using the robot mouse to practice basic coding skills in STEM!
over 3 years ago, Jennifer Mahin
Beloit is offering an ACT Prep Course and is including area schools. This class is taught by an ACT trained facilitator. This can help students get a good score or improve their scores. The class is being held on Thursday, October 21st from 8:30 am to 1:30 pm. The cost is $55. See the flyer for more information and a link to register. All sophomores, juniors, and seniors received an email with the flyer attached today. For more information contact Gina Aurand or Michelle Hubert.
over 3 years ago, Gina Aurand
ACT Test Prep Flyer
Reminder that school pictures are tomorrow for the Jr/Sr High and Wednesday for East Elementary.
over 3 years ago, Larry Lyder
The Republic County Cross Country home meet is this Thursday at the Belleville Country Club! Click on the link for more information
over 3 years ago, Kelly Melton
Republic County Jr./Sr. High School below is your online ordering link! School pictures are this Tuesday 9-21-21!!
over 3 years ago, Larry Lyder
Republic County East Elementary below is your online ordering link! School pictures are this Wednesday 9-22-21!!
over 3 years ago, Larry Lyder
The cast and crew of “A Bad Year for Tomatoes” is hard at work on the set for this year’s production set for Friday and Saturday, November 12th and 13th.
over 3 years ago, Darsha Enns
Benedict, Dillon, and Maelin work on putting together platforms for the stage floor.
Halftime the RCHS Band performs under the moon and the new Friday Night Lights playing ‘Hit Me with Your Best Shot’
over 3 years ago, Alan Sheets
Great performance during homecoming halftime by the Buff Marching Band and Flag Corp.
over 3 years ago, Larry Lyder
flag Corp
Junior high cheerleaders supporting the Buffs. They will cheer 2nd quarter.
over 3 years ago, Nicol Parde
jh cheer
Congratulations to the 2021 Homecoming King and Queen of Republic County High School: Blake Aurand and Julia Blazek.
over 3 years ago, Larry Lyder
Little Buff Daycare is open and at capacity with all slots being filled with all sorts of fun activities happening everyday. Thank you to our great providers Erin, Taylor and high school student Jordan as part of her Work Based Learning as she plans to go into early childhood education.
over 3 years ago, Larry Lyder
Little Buff Daycare
Republic County Buffaloes want to thank all of the community businesses and organizations who participated in the Homecoming parade today. We hope to see everyone tonight as the Buffaloes take on the Minneapolis Lions at 7:00pm. Crowning is at 6:30pm. #WeAreRC #GoBuffs
over 3 years ago, Larry Lyder
Mrs. Wheeler’s kindergarten class spent the week learning about the letter M. We made a mouse, decorated an M with marshmallows while discussing other words that start with the M sound, and learned how to write the letter M.
over 3 years ago, Jennifer Wheeler
Letter M
Letter M
letter M
Letter M
The Bellleville HS Queen 50 years ago today and her handsome husband. She is even more beautiful today! Go Buffs!
over 3 years ago, Alan Sheets
2021 RCHS Homecoming Ceremonies
over 3 years ago, Alan Sheets
JH band