The Cross Country Team heads to Beloit tomorrow for the Beloit High School Cross Country Invitational! Click on the link for meet details: https://5il.co/zqfw

Para Opening:
USD 109 is accepting applications for a full time district wide paraprofessional with primary duties at the Jr. Sr. High School. Position includes health insurance and KPERS benefits. Applications are available at the district office at 1205 19th St, Belleville, KS 66935 or online at https://www.usd109.org/page/employment-opportunities. For questions, please call 785-527-5621. USD 109 is an Equal Opportunity Employer.

It was great to collaborate with parents and students yesterday during our fall Parent-Teacher Conferences. Please complete the following survey to provide feedback regarding the earlier timing of Parent-Teacher Conferences this year. Thank you.

Junior Class Parent Meeting-Tuesday, September 28 at 6:30 pm in the High School Library!

No School tomorrow due to Parent-Teacher Conferences from 12:30pm-7:30pm. We look forward to collaborating with all parents tomorrow on your students' success.

RCHS Buffalo Actor’s Guild enjoyed an adventuresome day out at the Kansas City Renaissance Festival! It was great to be back after a gap year.

Buffs win 44-16 to go 2-1 on the season

Buffs @ Maur Hill in Atchison tonight looking good in 4th quarter

USD 109 is accepting sealed bids for the following:
2013 65-passenger International IH school bus, 180,000 miles, MAXX FORCE diesel engine (weak). Sold as is. For additional details, please call 785-527-0732. Bus is located at the corner of 18th and L. Sealed bids should be mailed or brought to the Administration office at 1205 19th Street, P.O. Box 469, Belleville KS 66935. Bid deadline is October 8, 2021, 1:00 p.m.

KSHSAA releases classifications.
Republic County USD 109 remains in the 2A Classification with KSHSAA for the 2021-2022 school year based on grades 9-12 enrollment on Monday, September 20. See all the classification listings here:
For the 2022-2023 and 2023-2024 football cycle, Republic County will be in the 1A Classification based on grades 9-11 enrollment as on Monday, September 20. See all football classifications here:

High School Volleyball tomorrow, Varsity goes to Wakefield and JV goes to Minneapolis. See attached links for complete schedules:
Wakefield: https://5il.co/zapa
Minneapolis: https://5il.co/zapb

Republic County Jr. High Volleyball Tournament is tomorrow, first games start at 9:00 am. See the attached link for a complete schedule: https://5il.co/zapi

High School Football at Maur Hill tonight!

Pencil drawings by Art I students Connor Svoboda and Grace Baxter

We got a drawing framed up for the ROAR Art Show today! ❤️
Plein Air Pastel by: Brandon Allen

Please click on link

Please click on link to see the MENUS for October

Come support the cross country runners at our home meet today!

High School Football at Maur Hill tomorrow night! Click on the link for game information: https://5il.co/zhwg

Jr High Buffs Volleyball and Football travel to Beloit today! Volleyball starts at 4:15, football at 5:00. Please note for volleyball, the B-C-C games are at the elementary gym, 1201 N Bell St.
See the attached sheet for game information: https://5il.co/zhlc