Fourth grade division review activity! Students worked with a partner and walked about the room and hallways completing a long division review!
about 4 years ago, Ashley Strait
Fourth grade long division review activity!
Fourth grade long division review activity!
Here’s a little throwback from ugly sweater day!
about 4 years ago, Darsha Enns
Masks won’t kill our Christmas spirit!
Students learning how to win enough electoral votes to become President. By their vote totals, they saw how difficult even a simulated version could be.
about 4 years ago, Nick Junker
Not Quite.
So Close...
Just by the skin of their chinny, chin, chin.
On Friday, the 6th grade FACS class used sewing machines and hosted a corn dog party.
about 4 years ago, Heather Dahl
6th Grade FACS class
6th Grade FACS class
Hey juniors and seniors! Tomorrow, January 19, is the last day to register for the February 6 ACT.
about 4 years ago, Michelle Hubert
Here are a couple of great mixed media pieces from the RC Art Room!
about 4 years ago, Tranda Strnad
Gracie Rhine
Jaycie Stindt
Having fun playing a math Kahoot! in Algebra.
about 4 years ago, Anne Collette
Kahoot! Picture 3
Algebra 1B Kahoot!
Kahoot! Picture 2
Rep Co Jh Cheer pose for a group photo after a successful bake sale.
about 4 years ago, Nicol Parde
Rep Co Jh Cheer
Jr/Sr High School Teachers learning how to utilize the new app to share out stories of RCJSHS.
about 4 years ago, Larry Lyder
Teacher PD
Teacher PD Thrillshare
Teacher PD App
Virtual Meets have become a normal for the Republic County Scholars Bowl Team. We have enjoyed our distance tournaments but look forward to attending more Meets in person! So proud of the resilience of our kids and their willingness to try new things!
about 4 years ago, Allison Copple
Scholars Bowl Team
Social distancing during group work.
about 4 years ago, Darla Joy
Math Class
FBLA District 2021 Results Congratulations to the following students at District FBLA Conference. Broadcast Journalism- 3rd Place (Trey Melton, Blake Aurand, Andrew Hubert) Business Plan-2nd Place (Halle Hartner & Julia Blazek) E-Business- 1st Place (Bree Frye) Introduction to Business-3rd Place (Kadence Henke & Gracia Siemsen) Ms. FBL- 3rd Place (Halle Hartner) Public Service Announcement- 3rd Place (Emma Hubert) Website Design- 1st Place (Paige Waite)
about 4 years ago, Nicol Parde
Scholars Bowl Tournament at Sacred Heart, won 4 rounds out of 7. Great job team!
about 4 years ago, Benjamin Enns
Scholars Bowl at Sacred Heart
Seniors make sure you are watching your emails for scholarship opportunities! Parents, these are also posted on the Republic County Counselors Facebook page.
about 4 years ago, Gina Aurand
This week, ag classes were learning about poultry processing. The students identified the cuts, and candled/graded eggs
about 4 years ago, Cara Wolverton
Students processing a chicken
Students processing a chicken
The Buffalo Drip Coffee Shop is underway and going well!
about 4 years ago, Karen Miller
Buffalo Drip Coffee
Republic County girls basketball at Minneapolis live stream can be found at the following link. Varsity girls tip-off scheduled for 2:00pm and jv girls to follow varsity game.
about 4 years ago, Brad Couture
The JH Cheerleaders organized a bake sale today and the FBLA chapter hosted a hat day fundraiser. Proceeds from both these efforts are being donated to Carlie and her family. Thank you to USD 109 Jr/Sr high for your support.
about 4 years ago, Larry Lyder
Bake Sale
Hat Day
Hay Day 2
There were a few snowflakes outside today, but even more inside in Mrs. Wheeler's and Mrs. Strnad's kindergarten classrooms!
about 4 years ago, Katie Struebing
Making an eatible Snowflake
Cutting Snowflakes
Eatible Snowflake
Reminder that there is NO SCHOOL on Monday, January 18, due to Teacher Professional Development Day.
about 4 years ago, Larry Lyder